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GPTC Libraries: Laptops

A Note About Laptops: Please Read!

Our laptops are meant to be a temporary solution until you can find your own permanent computing solution.. You cannot depend on one being available all the time, and you cannot assume you will have one for the entire semester. Please note: The GPTC laptops have Microsoft Office installed, but DO NOT contain any specialized software. See your instructor about where/how you can use specialized software for your class.

Borrowing Laptops at GPTC

In order to borrow a laptop, you must:

Be a currently enrolled GPTC student in degree, diploma, or certificate courses.

Present a current student ID card at the time of each checkout. If you do not have one, you must have one made by Student Services before arriving to pick up the laptop. We do not accept drivers' licenses in lieu of GPTC IDs. 

Have no outstanding or unresolved fines.

Most importantly:

Open, read and complete the Laptop Checkout/ Renewal Request form (to the right of this section) and submit it online.

There are NO EXCEPTIONS to the above requirements

The Laptop Checkout/Renewal Request form is not available between semesters. The form is opened on the first day of the semester. 



  • Laptops are available at the DeKalb and Newton campuses. Students from any campus may check out a laptop at these locations.
  • Laptops are loaned by reservation only. To reserve a laptop, complete the Laptop Request Form (located on this page) and submit it online
  • Laptops are checked out to currently enrolled students only.
  • Laptops are for GPTC-related work only.
  • The checkout period is two weeks with no grace period. If checked out less than two weeks before the end of the semester, the laptop will be due on the last day of finals. 
  • A laptop may be renewed ONCE provided there is no waitlist. If other students are waiting, the student must return the laptop by the due date. The student may complete the form to be added to the waitlist. An overdue laptop cannot be renewed
  • Overdue fines accrue at a rate of $25.00 per day starting on the first day overdue. IMPORTANT!!! Failure to return a laptop in a timely fashion WILL result in a Banner hold which will prevent you from registering, receiving your grades, or receiving a transcript. 
  • Laptops not returned within four business days of the agreed upon return date will be considered stolen. A report will be made to GPTC Campus Police  and a hold will be placed on your GPTC account.  Individual cases may also be referred to Student Affairs for disciplinary action. Accordingly, the student will be responsible for full replacement costs (including replacement of carrying case and power cables). The student to whom the laptop is checked out is responsible for all damage to the laptop no matter who did the actual damage. Do not lend the laptop to anyone. 
  • Fees for damaged laptops will be determined by GPTC and may total up to and including the full replacement costs.
  • Laptops are not checked out between semesters.
  • To avoid damage, return all laptops in person. To avoid damaging the unit and incurring additional fines, DO NOT use the external book drop to return a borrowed laptop.
  • Laptop reservations are made on a first- apply, first- served basis. If no laptops are available at the time of the reservation, the student will be placed on a waiting list. 
  • Please do not smoke around the laptop or case! Laptops that are returned with a smoke odor may pose a health hazard to other students and the staff who maintain the laptops. A cleaning fee will be assessed for laptops that are dirty or have unpleasant odors.
  • All saved documents, pictures, etc. will be deleted upon return. Save your work on a USB drive before returning the laptop.
  • GPTC laptops shall not be used for any purpose or activity in violation of state or federal law.
  • For other policies and procedures, please see the laptop reservation form, available on the library home page. 


About Our Laptops

The Libraries and the Office of Information Technology are pleased to provide laptops for students to use for their GPTC coursework off-campus.  Laptops are equipped with power cables and carrying cases for your convenience. Our laptops are capable of connecting to wireless internet (Wi-Fi)  systems that are available in several places in our community such as the GPTC campus, public libraries, and many fast-food establishments (McDonalds, Chick-Fil-A, etc.).

The GPTC laptops have Microsoft Office installed, but DO NOT contain any specialized software. 

Be aware that the laptops are not equipped with a wireless data plan such as those on many smart phones, and will not connect to the internet unless you are using it in a place that provides Wi-Fi.

Request a Laptop

Need Help with Your Laptop?

Tech Support is a FREE service that provides tech support for all of the Library laptops. 

If you experience a problem with your laptop, contact Tech Support at or 404-297-9522, ext. 5299.

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