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GPTC Libraries: Services


  Reserves are a special collection of instructor-selected books that may be checked out from the circulation desk by students for three-hour, in-library use only. To borrow reserves you must:

  • Be a currently enrolled GPTC student
  • Not have any outstanding fines
  • Leave your currently validated student ID  with the desk attendant while you are in possession of the book

Only one reserve may be in a student's possession at a time. Reserves may not be removed from the library.


 Students, faculty, and staff who would like one-on-one research help may visit one of our librarians at any time that the Libraries are open. We are available to answer quick reference questions or provide detailed research consultation. Students, staff, and faculty may drop by our Learning Commons areas for reference help or contact the library to make an appointment for a consultation with a  librarian.

Reference services are also available through our chat service located at or through text messaging at 404-800-1811.


 GPTC is a member of Galileo, Georgia’s state-of-the-art online library. Through Galileo, faculty, staff, and students can access millions of books, articles, photographs, and other resources at the click of a mouse. Off-campus access is provided through Blackboard.. Galileo help is always available at the Libraries.  The Galileo website is

Other Databases

GPTC also subscribes to the Issues and Controversies database as well as Salem Press ebooks  for the convenience of our students, staff, and faculty. Any of our librarians can help with access and use.

Physical (Book) Collections

The Libraries house a collection of over 12,000 books, periodicals and videos on many topics supporting the GPTC  curriculum. You may search or browse Primo, our catalog at Faculty, staff, and students may check out up to five materials at a time. The checkout period for most materials is four weeks depending on type. Within four weeks of the end of the semester, checkout periods are shorter.  Overdue fines for most circulating books accrue at a rate of $0.36 per day; however, if materials are returned within 28 days of the due date, the fine will be waived. After a book is 28 days overdue, a fine of $10.00 will be charged and the book will be declared lost. The replacement cost of the book is assessed but will be forgiven if the book is returned in good condition. Students with overdue materials will not be allowed to check out additional items, nor will they be allowed to access Banner for registration, grades, or transcripts until all overdue materials have been returned and any fines paid.

To appeal a fine, please complete the  Fine Appeal Form.

Students are not allowed to check out print periodicals. Please see a librarian about copying or finding alternative resources in Galileo. 


           The Library facilities are designed for the comfort and convenience of student and faculty researchers. Large study tables enable students and faculty to use their books, computer equipment and other study tools in a quiet, comfortable  environment. Upholstered chairs and sofas provide a comfortable place for recreational reading.  Two small rooms at the DeKalb campus are provided for students wishing to study or work on projects in groups of two or more. Both rooms are equipped with a small conference table, chairs, and a dry-erase board. One room also contains a lectern for students wishing to practice speeches. The rooms may be reserved up to one business day in advance and are only for student study groups. NOTE: During the COVID-19 pandemic,  group study rooms are not available.

A small library collection is located in the Learning Commons area of the South DeKalb Campus, which also contains computers and study tables for student use. (Note: The Sough DeKalb Learning Commons is currently closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.)


Our Learning Commons area at the DeKalb campus contains twenty-four computer workstations and two printers for student and faculty convenience. At the Newton campus, there are nineteen computers available.  All computers are loaded with Microsoft Office 365 and  a web browser as well as Respondus, the Lockdown browser for taking exams remotely. Each campus Library also provides a printer and photocopier for student use. Black and white prints cost five cents. Copies cost 10 cents per page for black and white and 50 cents for color.

The Learning Commons area at the South DeKalb campus contains four computers for student use.

Please see the GPTC Computing Resources Policy for more information about policies and regulations relating to use of GPTC computers. .



Law Library

  The Newton Campus Library includes a law library with a collection of ABA-approved sources on Georgia law. While the law library was established to serve GPTC’s Paralegal Studies program, all students, staff, and faculty are welcome to use its resources. The DeKalb campus also contains ABA-approved law materials.

Children’s Collection

 The Libraries are committed to facilitating learning at all levels, and contain a collection of books targeted toward a pre-K through 1st grade reading level. While this collection was established to support our Early Childhood Care and Education curriculum, all students, faculty and staff are welcome to check them out to read to  or with the children in their lives. Please note: Per GPTC policy, children under the age of 16 are not allowed in the Library facilities.

The Children's Collection is located at the DeKalb, Newton, and South DeKalb Campuses.

Laptop Lending Program

The Libraries provide a limited number of laptop computers at the DeKalb and Newton campuses for students to check out and take home for a period of time. Each laptop is loaded with the same software as our Learning Commons computers. Students must provide their own internet access.  The Laptop Lending Program is for students only. For more information and to request a laptop, see our laptop program page at

Intercampus Loan

 Do you need a book that is located at another GPTC campus? We can get it for you through our intercampus loan service.  Just make a request at the circulation desk or through Gil Find. Most materials arrive at your campus within three business days.

Interlibrary Loan

The GPTC Libraries are a member of TechShare, the Technical College System of Georgia's interlibrary loan network. For more information on TechShare, see

Book Return

For the convenience of students, faculty, and staff, the Libraries offer after-hours book returns located on the front of building A at the DeKalb campus and the upstairs lobby of building B at the Newton campus. The book return is emptied and books checked in daily during hours of operation.


 Our library users value the quiet, peaceful learning environment that we have designed for them. Please keep your voice to a whisper when visiting the Libraries.

Cell Phones

In order to maintain quiet and protect the privacy of library users, please silence your cell phones when entering the Libraries and refrain from placing or answering calls while in the Libraries.

Food and Drink

The GPTC Libraries allow  beverages only (no food), with the following stipulations: 

  • All drinks must be in a spill-resistant container (such as a water bottle or tumbler with secure  lid) and remain covered at all times. Open soda cans and paper/Styrofoam cups are not considered spill-resistant. 
  • When students are using computers, drinks must be kept in book bags or purses or on the floor.  
  • Users are not allowed to bring open food into the Libraries at any time. Food intended to be consumed later (such as a packed lunch) must be in a tightly closed, odor-proof container such as a lunch cooler.  Food is not to be consumed anywhere in the Libraries, including group study rooms.

Please notify a staff member about any accidental spills to ensure prompt clean up. Realize that you may be liable for the damage/replacement fee for any furnishings or materials damaged by your spills. 

Users who do not comply with the Library's policy on food and drink may be asked to leave the Library.


Children on Campus

Per GPTC policy, children under the age of 16 are not allowed in the Libraries unless they are currently registered Dual Enrollment students.

Disruptive Behavior

If Library users refuse to abide by the above policies or behave in a generally uncooperative manner, they will be warned by Library staff. If the behavior persists,  the user may be asked to leave. Disruptive or threatening behavior will be reported to Campus Police. 


 It is the policy of the Libraries of Georgia Piedmont Technical College to maintain compliance with the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code; see “Applicable Legislation”), and encourage students, faculty, staff, and administrators to make lawful use of copyrighted works. The Libraries of Georgia Piedmont Technical College recognize the exclusive rights of copyright holders, as well as exceptions to those rights and the doctrine of “fair use” as set forth in copyright legislation. In accordance with the above policy, we hold that students, faculty, staff, and administration are personally liable for willful infringement of copyright laws. Individuals may be held personally accountable for any misuse of copyrighted material.

If you are not certain that your use of copyrighted material is considered "fair use," you may email Dr. Wendy S. Wilmoth, Director of Library Services, with your specific question(s).

Collection Development Policy

Materials shall be acquired in accordance with the following priorities, ranked in descending order of importance:

1. Materials to support the current teaching programs of the college;

2. General reference works and circulating titles in major fields of knowledge that support the academic mission of the college;

3. Materials to support the professional and academic development of the faculty, and to assist administrative and school personnel in the effective performance of their duties;

4. Appropriate varieties of recreational library materials.

All materials purchased with funds allocated to the Libraries become Library property, and are available for use at all college campuses.

It is the responsibility of the librarians and Library staff to ensure that the collection as a whole is developed objectively, consistently, and thoroughly. Faculty members are encouraged to recommend the acquisition of materials in their subject fields. Students, staff, and administration may also submit recommendations for purchase.

Evaluation Criteria

The ten following guidelines should be used to evaluate the intrinsic merits of both print and non-print selections:

1.            Curriculum Support

2.            Subject matter

3.            Purpose, scope, and audience

4.            Difficulty

5.            Authority, honesty, and credibility of author and publisher

6.            Comparison

7.            Timeliness

8.            Format

9.            Price

10.          Demand

Special Types of Materials

Periodicals - Periodicals are selected and purchased in an effort to keep the collection up-to-date with current thinking in various fields; to provide material not available in books; to supplement electronic research and book collections; and to serve as selection aids and professional reading. Selection is made on the basis of demonstrated needs of students, faculty, and staff, balanced with available online databases.

Newspapers - The Library will subscribe to representative paper copies of major local newspapers and selected national newspapers, in addition to access to electronic subscriptions through Galileo.

Gifts – Direct gfts to the Library will not be accepted per GPTC policy, except in rare circumstances. Anyone wishing to make a monetary gift to the Library may do so through the GPTC Foundation.

Textbooks - Because of the repetition of information frequently included and because they are often quickly outdated, books designated as course textbooks are not usually added to the collection unless their usefulness goes beyond that of the typical textbook.

Duplicates - The Library purchases duplicate copies in cases of demonstrated need, such as when the number of students in a class or concentrated use of material demands multiple copies, or when required as part of a satellite campus collection.  However, under ordinary circumstances, it is not Library policy to buy duplicate copies of the same title.

Content - No materials shall be excluded from the collection because of the race or nationality of the authors, or the political, moral, or religious views expressed therein. Selections will not be made on the basis of anticipated approval or disapproval but solely on the merits of the work in relation to the building of the collection.

Withdrawal of Materials

The removal of materials of limited usefulness is essential to maintaining the quality of the collection. The same care, thought, and judgment is used in this process as in the original selection. Weeding (withdrawal) of materials is essential to collection development.

Material may be discarded from the collection when:

  1. The material is outdated or where more recent editions have superseded earlier editions or its content made obsolete by newer publications in the field.
  2. Changes in the curriculum have revised the focus of the collection.
  3. There are duplicate copies of books or other materials no longer receiving heavy use.
  4. The condition of the item is no longer acceptable: obvious wear and tear, missing pages or parts, mutilated covers, crumbling paper, broken tape, etc.  Deteriorating materials will be considered for preservation or replacement when appropriate, due to high use or subject matter.

Periodicals shall be discarded for the following reasons:

  1. Back issues of print periodicals when the title has value only for the current year or other limited time;
  2. Periodicals in poor physical condition when there are no plans to replace the title:

When lack of space or GALILEO accessibility precludes the necessity to house back issues of subscription titles, preference will be given a few selected periodicals of proven use.

Fine Appeals

Do you want to appeal your fine on library materials or equipment? Use the Library Fine Appeal Request form.

495 North Indian Creek Drive | Clarkston, GA 30021 | 404-297-9522
A Unit of the Technical College System of Georgia

As set forth in its student catalog, Georgia Piedmont Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, sex, religion, disability, age, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, veteran status, or citizenship status (except in those special circumstances permitted or mandated by law).  Contact Lisa Peters, the ADA Coordinator, at 404/297-9522, ext. 1154, or at the main DeKalb campus, 495 N. Indian Creek Drive, Clarkston, GA 30021 Room A-170; or Dr. Debra Gordon, the Title IX Coordinator, at 404/297-9522, ext. 1176, or at the main DeKalb campus, 495 N. Indian Creek Drive, Clarkston, GA 30021 Room A-103 for assistance.  For more information about our graduation rates and other important program information, please visit our website at