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Online Journals
Here is a list of free online journals that have articles relevant to your work in Early Childhood Care and Education.
- American Educational Research Association (AERA) Open Journal
American Educational Research Journal, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Educational Researcher, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Review of Educational Research, Review of Research in Education, Qualitative Inquiry, & Sociological Methods & Research. Search by title.
- American Journal of Play
An interdisciplinary quarterly of The Strong, the American Journal of Play® is a forum for discussing the history, science, and culture of play. The Journal aims to increase awareness and understanding of the role of play in learning and human development and the ways in which play illuminates cultural history.
- Child Care & Early Education Research Connections
A comprehensive & unbiased collection that includes scholarly research, policy briefs, government reports, data, & instruments from a wide range of disciplines & sources, including multiple federal agencies. Research Connections compiles & distributes bibliographies, develops issue briefs, & synthesizes research on key topics.
- Current Issues in Education
Produced by Arizona State University graduate students. Publishes articles on a broad range of education topics that are timely & have relevance in the field of education (pre-K, K-12, & higher education) both nationally & internationally.
- eJournal of Education Policy
Established in Fall 2000. Covers the broad issues of rights to an education in the public domain & the debates that emerge around differing opinions regarding educational policy making in a democratic society.
- International Journal of Multicultural Education
An open-access e-journal committed to promoting educational equity, cross-cultural understanding, & global awareness in all levels of education.
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